Monday, November 22, 2010

Reflection on Chapter 11

Chapter 11 was interesting. I hope to use the webcam and microphones in my classroom when I'm a teacher. I think the webcam is a valuable tool that will give feedback to the students. It could show them what they are doing right and wrong. As Mr. C showed us with the Voki, the microphones are useful too. They can make learning fun and interactive.
I liked the new sites Mr. C showed us Tues. night. The Vocaroo and Voki seemed the easiest to use. I played with the Voki a little and it is neat. I'm not sure if I will use the rest.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Get a Voki now!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Refection on Chapter 10

I really liked the different ideas in Chapter 10 under Enhancing Classroom Communication. I hope that I am organized enough to make a classroom blog and keep up with it. I think it is a wonderful idea to have a website also. I'm not sure if you need both. What do you think? Although, a website would be helpful to parents. They could see what is going on in class. You could post homework and weekly news.
I am really enjoying this class. I do get a little overwhelmed sometimes because I'm one of those people who is not comfortable with the computer. Usually if it won't do what I want, I get up and walk away. But I am doing better with that now since I am taking this class. I am trying more things and having a little more patience. Hopefully, I will continue to do even better.