Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Reflections on Chapter 1

I enjoyed my first class very much. I was surprised by how much we accomplished. I learned many new things. I had never heard of a g-mail account and I had never talked to anyone that had created their own blog. I am excited to learn new technology that I can use in my daily life and in my classroom to help our students learn.
I finally found my blog on the internet today- August 31st. I haven't been able to find my g-mail account, and I tried several times this past week. I found my blog on my school computer but, I couldn't find it at home. I don't understand why I couldn't find the blog at both places.
I can't wait to see what we learn next.

1 comment:

  1. I know you were frustrated by not being able to find your blog, how can you use that in your classroom? I am having to deal with some frustrated/angry teachers this year that are moving into a role similar to mine in my building. They are teaching a "computer" class and because of problems they are having with the labs they are pretty upset. For some reason telling them I understand and that I have had the same problem before doesn't seem to help. :)

    What will you do when the tech you are planning to use (computer, camera, website,etc.) doesn't work when you are needing to use it? Will you keep a back up plan? Will you get frustrated and quit trying to use the technology? These are tough questions.

    For your next post pick one thing you learned or were excited about last week. Tell me how it will help you become a better learner or a better teacher. Can you use that new knowledge in your future classroom?

    Can't wait to see you Tuesday. Have a great weekend!
