Thursday, October 28, 2010

Reflection on Skype with Mrs. Mimi

I really enjoyed our Skype with Mrs. Mimi. She is passionate and energetic. I am currently working in the school as a teachers aide and I agree with most of what she says. I work in the Special Ed. room and we do not use technology very much. Sometimes we don't use the Smart board all week and when we do use the Smart board it is usually to show multiplication videos to the students. We have been using School House Rock. The kids really like it. I agree with Mrs. Mimi when she says teachers have so much to do all day that it is hard to find time to learn how to integrate technology into your lesson plans. I think a teacher has to have a great interest or passion in technology to make the time to learn new how to use it more. Otherwise it is so overwhelming that they don't know where to start. That is actually were I fit in, but I think this class is really going to help with that. I am doing more on the computer now than I ever did. I am excited to learn as much as I can.


  1. Hi Kellie--Thanks for visiting my blog! It's exciting to see someone new there! I love your leaves background. I didn't know you worked in the Special Ed. room. I think that would be hard! Do you want to teach Special Ed. also?

  2. I might argue that teachers find time to integrate what they think is important. Is it their fault that they don't use more technology (correctly) in class, the districts for not training them better, or just the way schools are set-up in general?

  3. I think that teachers should be responcible to use technology correctly in their class, but I know of some teachers that have gone to some workshops for the smartboard and they still say they need more help. I also know of other teachers who use technology daily and do a great job at it. I think it depends on if the teacher is comfortable with a computer, if they aren't then technology doesn't come easy to them. Is it the way schools are set up? I'm not sure. I think school districts could do more, but it wouldn't help everyone.

  4. Great blog! I totally agree, having an interest in taking the time to learn technology is a big part of it. While it's interesting, sometimes it does just feel like "part of the job" that you have to do, and that can definately make it less fun and more of a challenge to get excited about it. This class is helping me do that too! :)
